Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Reception Autumn 2022-23


Our first week in Reception!

We have all had a fantastic first week in Reception. Its has been so much fun working around our new classroom experiencing all the different areas. We have been exploring our new outdoor and indoor environments as well as learning our reception routines. We have all settled in very well!  We hope you enjoy taking a look at the activities we have been taking part in this week.

Superhero Chatterboxes!!

We have enjoyed making our Superhero Chatterboxes at home with our parents and carers. We brought these into school and shared the contents of them with our teachers and friends. We had to chose our favourite superhero and explain why we liked them and why they were a superhero to us. Some of us chose Spiderman and other characters as our superheroes, whilst others chose our Mammy's, Daddy's and other family members. We all think it is important to have a superhero in our lives - to look after us and to be our friend.

Halloween Fun!!

This week we have had lots of fun in our Halloween themed classroom. We have been very creative making paintings of floating ghosts on card. We have also enjoyed colouring and designing our own pumpkins! There has been witches and skeletons in our home corner this week and as you can see they have been having all kinds of spell-binding fun, creating spooky potions in the water with their magic cauldrons. The Halloween Disco was fantastic, we had a great time showing our friends all our dance moves on the dance floor with the colourful lights. We also had a few prizes for those extra spooky Halloween inspired dance moves! The disco was finished with yummy hot dogs, juice and sweets which were delicious and a great end to a fantastic day! 

Sharing A Story By The Christmas Tree

One afternoon in December, Miss Forrest took us into the hall and we sat around the Christmas tree. Miss Forrest read a Christmas story to us called, "Sproutzilla!" We really enjoyed the story and thought that it was very funny.

Chocolate Tombola

We had so much fun in reception taking part in the chocolate tombola. We had to dip into the bag of raffle tickets and select one with a number that matched a yummy chocolate treat. There was lots of smiling faces as we all loved the surprises we received. 

Christmas time in Reception areas

We have had the opportunity to have lots of fun carrying out Christmas activities in our Reception classroom. We transformed our water area into magic snow where we added glitter and sequins and used the paint brushes to write our names in the snow. We also had a wonderful arctic scene in our sand area where we played with the polar bears and their animal friends. It has been extremely busy in the creative area. We have made angels out of toilet roll tubes and decorated them giving them beautiful lace wings. We also made mini Christmas trees dipping them in green glitter. and resting them in mini tree pots. 


We are very proud of the children in Nursery and reception. They have worked so hard and we think you will all agree that they were all Superstars in their  Christmas Nativity performance.  The children sang beautifully and performed so well, each and everyone of them knew exactly what they had to do on the day and we are extremely proud of all of their hard work. It was so special to be able to have all of our friends and families present to watch the performance and then stay for refreshments after. The children definitely earned the Christmas biscuits. Merry Christmas everyone! 

Our Maths Area

In our maths area we have been looking at matching and sorting numbers 1-10. We have been using our lovely autumn resources including conkers and pebbles to help us count and match. As you can see we have done a great job!

Autumn time is here!!

We have been investigating our outdoor area and discovering all the different signs of autumn. We have also had some wonderful autumn leaves, conkers, acorns and pumpkins brought into class by the children. This week it has been great fun using all these items to create wonderful art work and creative play. We used our hands to make paint prints in orange, green, brown and yellow to look like falling leaves. We also set up the leaves to make an autumn scene it was fun to feel all the different textures of the crunchy leaves and shiny conkers. 

Spooky Halloween Yoga!

During the week of Halloween, our PE lesson involved us doing spooky yoga. We carried out a range of movements alongside a spooky, Halloween story. At the end of the Halloween yoga we done a skeleton dance. We have lots of fun doing yoga!

Remembrance Day - making poppy biscuits

After sharing a power point all about Remembrance Day, we made poppy biscuits in order to help us remember the soldiers which fought for our country during WW1. We used digestive biscuits and decorated them to make them look like poppies - using red icing and chocolate buttons. We then sat on the carpet area and enjoyed eating our biscuits together with our friends.

Christmas cards and calendars

We have been working extremely hard in reception preparing some wonderful gifts to take home to our loved ones. We have been using lots of materials to make wonderful snowmen cards, including soft cotton and buttons. We also had fun painting our hands to make Santa prints and we had all practised our wonderful handwriting with messages inside. We made beautiful brightly coloured flowers for our calendars, we all had to concentrate on placing our small buttons down as petals but haven't we done a great job! We are certain you will all agree the cards and calendars look fantastic and we hope you enjoy them in your homes over Christmas and into the new year. 

Christmas dinner and festive wear

We have loved coming to school in all our favourite festive wears. We have some lovely Christmas jumpers, t shirts and headbands and hats. It really has made the time leading up to Christmas extra exciting seeing all our friends wearing these lovely things. What a delicious dinner we all had too. Sitting in the hall with our friends listening to the Christmas music whilst tucking into our delicious dinner has made us all smile. We also loved the yummy Christmas biscuits that the kitchen had prepared for us. 

Our First PE Lesson

For our first PE lesson our focus was on spacial awareness and developing our ability to work within a small space. We completed a range of different movements such as walking, running, side stepping, walking backwards, skipping and crawling. Whilst doing these movements we had to keep our heads up and watch where we were going so that we did not bump into our friends. We then played a game of Sharks where we had to watch our space as we ran around the hall. When a teacher shouted, "SHARK!" we had to carefully travel to a hoop and stay there before the shark ate us up. We had to use our spacial awareness skills in order to play this game successfully and carefully. 

Visiting the Library

We love to visit our school library. We have a great time looking at all of the different books that are available for us to share with our loved ones at home. Each week we will have the opportunity to  chose a book to take home and share with our grown-ups. We hope you enjoy sharing these stories too!

Children In Need!

We really enjoyed dressing up in our Pudsey bear accessories for Children In Need. We coloured in some Children In Need pictures and discussed topics around being thankful for what we have and how we can help other children who don't have as much as us. 

Festive Friday!

On the exciting lead up to Christmas, our school is having 'Festive Friday' every Friday from Friday 25th November - until Christmas. We enjoyed dancing together with our friends on the carpet to Christmas music and also had our photographs taken in front of the big school Christmas tree with our Christmas jumpers and accessories on.  We love Festive Fridays!

Christmas Craft Afternoon

A fantastic time was had by all at our Christmas craft afternoon. We would like to thank you all for attending and joining in some wonderful activities. From glowing snowman jars, hanging snowflake decorations to packing our reindeer dust ready for Christmas eve, we have thoroughly enjoyed sharing each activity with you all. It is always a pleasure to have our grown ups in our learning environment and seeing us hard at work. We also loved the delicious hot chocolate and Christmas biscuits too. Don't forget to keep those special keys we handed out, in a safe place ready for a visit from Santa soon. 

Christmas Party

We had a fantastic time at the Christmas Party! Music was played and we took part in lots of party games including pass the parcel, and musical statues. We loved the dancing and singing along to our favourite Christmas songs. We then stopped for a delicious party lunch and even had a visit from our very own special guest, Santa! It was a wonderful time with all of our friends!