Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Welcome to Year 3 Spring Term 24-25

Crotchets and Quavers

In Music we have been learning how to play the recorder. This week we spent some time developing an understanding of crotchets and quavers and understood they are long and short notes. We then tried to hold long and short notes on the recorder and coppied some different rhythms. 

Note B

In Music we have been learning how to play B note. We spent some time understanding how we hold the recorder with our left hand at the top and then developed an understanding of which holes need to be covered to make a B note. We now know where B notes are placed on a musical stave and enjoyed playing some different tunes. 

Lesson In A Box- Daruma Doll

We enjoyed taking part in another lesson in a box activity from Nissan. Today we spent some time recapping what the Daruma dolls are for and how each colour has a different meaning. We enjoyed creating our own goals for this term and coloured the doll to match the correct goal colour. 

Chinese Music 

To celebrate Chinese New Year, Years 3 and 4 enjoyed taking part in some different activities linked to Chinese Music. We completed some research into traditional Chinese instruments, created a fact file about the traditional Chinese Dragon Dance and listen and appraised a traditional Chinese song. 

Safer Internet Day

To celebrate Safer Internet Day Year 3 have enjoyed participating in a range of activities. We have been exploring how to recognise scams and what to do if we are unsure. We looked at different scenarios and discussed how we would act. We then created mini posters explaining how we should not click on links. only accept friend requests from people we know, ask a trusted adult for help and never share our passwords. 




In Literacy we have been learning about the book After The Fall. We thought of questions we would like to ask Humpty Dumpty and then used role play to ask the character questions. We then acted out some different scenes from the book thinking carefully about how to show the emotions of Humpty Dumpty.

Lesson In A Box- Spot The Difference

As part of lesson in a box from Nissan we completed a spot the difference activity. We were given images of a Dat Type 11 and a modern day Qashqai and we had to work out what made them differnet from eachother. We enjoyed working in pairs to discover many differences ranging from the windows to the wheels and even the material the headlights were made from. 

Note A

In Music we have been learning how to play note A on the recorder. We learnt where our fingers needed to go and which holes needed to be covered over. We then enjoyed following the musical notes playing the recorder in a specific rhythm. 

Chinese Dragon Art

Year 3 enjoyed taking part in Art to celectrate Chinese New Year. We each chose a dragon template and learnt how to use pointilism to help create our pieces. we chose a base colour and used different shades to complete the mask then added some shiny, gold, copper, silver and bronze paint to make our dragons stand out. 



Lesson In A Box- Nissan 

Lois from Nissan came to visit us with Nissan's Lesson In A Box programme. She explained lots about who Nissan is and the work that the company do. We enjoyed learning about Japan. We learnt some Japanese words and enjoyed taking part in the chopstick challenge to pick up small pom poms. Over the next few weeks we will be completing a range of different activities and look forward for Lois returning to see what we have been up to!


In PE we have been completing our unit on gymnastics. Last week we learnt how to do a star jump, tuck jump and straight jump safely making sure we landed in the correct way. This week we have spent some time learning how to do those jumps from different heights such as off benches onto mats. We had lots of fun but also made sure we were using the correct technique. 

Year 3 and 4 Chinese Cooking

Year 3 and 4 have been celebrating Chinese New Year through a   variety of activities. We created Chinese art, listened to a variety of music and took part in our own Chinese cookery class. Together with our friends, we prepared the vegetables and sauce for our vegetable chow mien.  We then enjoyed  tasting our food.  It was very easy to make but yummy to eat!


Features of a Non-Chronological Report

In Literacy we have been identifying the features of a non-chronological report. We read a report with our partner and searched for different features including titles, subheadings, pictures, factual information and third person writing. We then created our own success criterias ready for when we write our own non-chronological report about dragons.