Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Welcome to Year 4 Autumn Term 24-25

The Phoenix of Persia

At first, Year 4 were given the front cover of the text with the title missing. They made predictions about whether the book was fiction or non-fiction, what they thought the creature on the cover was and where the story could be set. The children started listening to a version of the story with traditional musical accompaniments. At various points we stopped to explore the setting and the characters and make predictions about what would happen later in the story. We discovered the story was set in Persia (modern Iran) so we also spent time investigating where Iran is and what the climate and landscape is like there.

Winter Gardens Visit

Year 3 and 4 have had a fantastic day visiting Sunderland Winter Gardens and Mowbray Park. They enjoyed exploring the different sculptures, sketching a walrus, making a satin glass window using natural resources and created their very own piece of art in the style of Andy Goldworthy using what they could find! 

Poetry Day

Well done to everybody in Year 4! Over the past two weeks, we have learning about the poem The Boogeyman. We discussed what we thought the poem was talking about and what we thought he looked like. We then split the poem into different parts and added our own expression. We performed our poem to Key Stage 2. We really enjoyed performing our poem!


Year 4 have been enjoying their tennis lessons. This week we reviewed our previous weeks learning with ball control and our racket. We then practised bouncing the ball and hitting. We then practised a rally with our friend. We had a fantastic time!

World Mental Health Day

To celebrate World Mental Health Day, Year 4 enjoyed a well-being hour away from screens and curriculum work. Some of us painting, board games and making key changes for friends and family. It was a well deserved break from all the hard work we've been putting in and we all agreed it was good to be away from the screen.

Exploring Animal Groups

At the start of the lesson we recapped the different ways we could group  animals. One of the ways to group them is into the main animals groups. We listed what these were and sorted some animals  into these groups. We didn’t get them all right at first and we     discussed how we knew if the animal  belonged to the group. We realised they all had  special characteristics. Then we worked in groups to investigate what characteristics the animals needed to have for each group and presented our findings to our friends.



Disco Time

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their school disco tonight. Children enjoyed dancing, singing and even had the chance to win some prizes for best dancer. We enjoyed hot dogs, crisps and a drink and enjoyed dancing to some more of our favourite songs. 

Exploring the Bible

In our RE learning we have been looking at different versions of the bible. We have looked at children's bible and and adult bible. We looked at the different vocabulary and how it was presented. We then discussed the word meanings.