Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 5 Autumn 2021-22

Outdoor Learning

Year 5 have enjoyed outdoor learning with Mal and Marion. They took part in a range of activities where they had to work together as a team to achieve the end goal. Well done Year 5!

Literacy - Hot seating

In literacy, Year 5 have been working on character descriptions. One child in each group took on the role of Mole from The Wind in the Willows. The rest of the group asked them questions as they sat in the 'hot seat'. This was great fun and developed their understanding of Mole as a character which led to some super pieces of writing. Well done Year 5!

Art - People in Action

In our Art lessons Year 5 have been studying 'People in Action'. They got into pairs and took it in turns to sketch each other in a chosen position. Their partner then had to move their position slightly and be sketched again so that movement could be seen. Year 5 really enjoyed doing this activity but it was very hard to remain still for long!


Year 5 have been working really hard in their swimming sessions each week to improve on their skills. All children are making excellent progress and 18 children have now completed 25 metres. Well done Year 5! You should be very proud of your successes so far!

Anti-Bullying Week - One Kind Word

During Anti-Bullying Week, Year 5 took part in a range of activities with the focus on 'One Kind Word'. To start the day we designed our own odd socks, as well as sharing ours that we had worn to school to show our support. Looking at a range of scenarios around bullying we discussed the many ways that this could happen and how we could be a supportive friend through kindness in words and actions. Then we completed a jigsaw piece each showing kindness in words and actions for our display. Some of us also created a poster too. Great work Year 5!

World Mental Health Day

Year 5 took part in a range of activities today for World Mental Health Day to support their understanding of mental health and how they can look after their own mental health. They experienced mindfulness sessions, created positive messages on bunting and thought about things they could do to support their mental health. A great turn out by all wearing yellow too!


During PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Emotional), Year 5 were looking how scenarios based on linked to the feelings of others. They developed their oracy skills through speaking in a group, building on other's ideas and listening. Year 5 demonstrated a good understanding of others' feelings and empathy. Well done!

RSE: Valuing all families

Today we had some visitors to our school from Together For Children. We explored and discussed different families thinking about the similarities and differences between them. We talked our own families and completed an activity sharing our ideas about the various examples of different families. We discussed the importance of valuing others and showing respect.

Black History Month

Proud to Be!

For Black History Month, Year 5 found out all about Harriet Tubman. We used the internet and other sources to research facts about her and created a fact file. 

Centre for Life 


Year 5 had a wonderful, informative and exciting visit to the Centre for Life in Newcastle and took part in many activities throughout the day. They explored the different zones within the museum, watched a Science Show, visited the Planetarium and took part in a workshop – Surviving Antarctica. This involved learning about the cold and harsh climate in Antarctica and testing materials for suitability using a range of scientific equipment.  There were lots of questions raised throughout the day and awe and wonder about the world around us. It was a truly memorable day for all!


Literacy - Edit Alley

During literacy, Year 5 completed an 'edit alley' activity. The children pair up and take it in turns to read their work to each other. One line then moves up so that the children are paired with another member of the class. This is repeated two or three times. Children then return to their seats to reflect and improve on their work having heard ideas from their peers. 

Science - Earth and Space

In Science, Year 5 have been studying Earth and Space. We have been looking at how the Earth moves around the Sun and how day and night occurs. Year 5 went out onto the playground to explore shadows. They drew around their partner. We then returned later that morning and drew their partner again. We discussed what had happened and how our shadows had changed position. 

Harvest Festival

We celebrated Harvest by talking about what Harvest means and looking at Harvest celebrations in our own country and around the world. We gathered our food donations together ready for collection by the food bank and then created our own poems linked to Harvest. 


Year 5 took part in Bikeability. They had their bikes checked over, had a talk about different road signs and meanings and learnt how to put their helmets on correctly. They then completed Level 1 with many completing Level 2. This involved basic riding skills and road safety. All children received a certificate, booklet and badge. They thoroughly enjoyed this activity and are feeling much more confident on their bikes. Well done!

Christmas Festivities

What a super fun and busy week Year 5 have had in the week leading up to their Christmas break. They have taken part in many different activities with a Christmas theme and enjoyed a festive Christmas dinner too! To end the week Year 5 joined Year 6 for their Christmas party. This was great fun with many games from Corners, to Charades and Musical Statues. One of the activities was to make a party hat for Mrs Gilbert involving colour and creativity. Great teamwork and effort was shown by all! Everyone then enjoyed some party food and drink and had a dance too. It was lovely to see everyone dressed in their party clothes and enjoying some quality time together.