Welcome to Year 6 Spring Term 24-25
In PE we have been learning to play Volleyball. We have begun by learning the ready position, how to high pass volley and practised keeping a rally going to ensure control with the ball. We had a fun 4 vs 4 game to practise our high catch volleys. Next we will learn how to set a ball for our teammate.
Year 6 loved celebrating Chinese New Year. We listened to Chinese music, looked at traditional Chinese art and created some painting with Chinese pagodas and floating lanterns. As well as this, we chopped up a range of vegetables, mixed some sauce and rolled these up in pastry to create our own vegetable spring rolls. It was a great day.
Safer Internet Day - Protecting yourself from Scams!
This year’s theme for Safer Internet Day was all about scams and phishing. We learned what a scam was, how to spot a scam and all about phishing. We had a go at trying to spot scams and learned how modern AI imaging and videos are increasingly used to create online scams. We had great fun creating our own scams on Purple Mash using celebrities. Would you have fallen for our scam?
World Book Day
Year 6 have had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day! We all came in dressed up as a word or character and enjoyed guessing what each other had chosen. This morning, we took part in the 'The Great Big Footy & Booky Quiz' and this afternoon we got creative outside replicating scenes and creatures from our class novel, Dread Wood. It was a lot of fun surrounding ourselves with the natural materials found in the same setting of the book and using these to create the creatures!
Ancient Greek Mythical Creatures
In Literacy we have been learning about Ancient Greek myths and their features. This lesson we studied some of the beasts from Ancient Greek times. We had to read the descriptions and match those to the pictures. We are looking forward to creating our own Greek myth.
Mental Health Awareness Week: Know Yourself, Grow Yourself
This year, Mental Health Awareness Week focused on the theme Know Yourself, Grow Yourself. Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed exploring and discussing the special places and important memories they hold in their minds.
As part of the activities, they created Personality Island posters, reflecting different aspects of who they are and shared these with the class. This sparked meaningful conversations about the importance of understanding ourselves and supporting our mental wellbeing.
Together, we talked about why mental health matters and explored practical ways we can look after our own. To round off the day, everyone took part in fun team games in the hall, promoting teamwork and connection.
Greek Vases
In Art, we have explored the shape and design of Ancient Greek vases in the build up to making our own. We used clay to create a hollow sphere before moulding it into our desired shape. Once we were happy with the shape, we added decoration and engravings to mimic a Greek style.
Our visit to Safety Works!
Year 5 and 6 had a wonderful morning at Safetyworks! We learned about so many aspects of safety with many different people: water safety, antisocial behaviour and peer pressure, the police, fire safety, road safety and metro safety. We learned so much information to take home and share with our families.
This term we have started a PE unit focusing on yoga. Today we focused on the stretches 'Cobra' and 'Downward dog' and learnt about the benefits of yoga on our bodies. Once we were confident with these, we worked through the story 'The Sun Salutation' completing other poses such as 'Mountain Pose', 'Coyote' and 'Plank Pose'.
Non-Chronological Reports
With our new unit being non-chronological reports, we have been looking a some non-fiction books to see their organisational features. We have compared our core text 'Mythologica' to these books and written reviews about their organisational features.
As part of their unit on Ancient Greece, Year 6 have spent the last two lessons investigating Greek warfare and the legacy of Alexander the Great. They explored the differences between various city-states, examined the design and use of Greek triremes, and learned about Alexander's military conquests and influence.
British Science Week 2025
The theme for British Science Week this year is ‘Change and Adapt’. In Year 6 we looked at Antibodies and Antigens and how our bodies have to identify the right antibodies to fight viruses. We learned how once our bodies had encountered an antigen before, it could find the correct antibody quicker and how vaccines help our bodies defend and protect. We played a memory match game with viruses and antibodies to help us understand this. Next we looked at the role of an immunologist and how important this job is to our world. To finish, we created a job study for the role of an immunologist.