Year 3 Spring 2019-20
We had a visit from the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) who came to talk to us about staying safe in and around water. They taught us lots of important facts including: what the different colours of the flags mean and how this impacts our choices in the water, what the lifeguards do and what they wear so they can be easily spotted, what you should do if you ever find yourself in a difficult situation in water, and how to float correctly and call for help if you fall into cold water. We learnt lots of important, life-saving skills and were given leaflets to take away to remind us of what we were taught.
Art - Pantomimes - On No You Didn't
In art, we have been looking at different pantomimes. We conducted some research and learned about the features of a pantomime. Once we had done this, we then looked at different sets. We discussed what we liked about them, what worked well and what we didn't like about them. We then designed our set before use digital media to create a final design. We then looked a the costumes characters would wear. Once this was complete, we then designed two of our own costumes. We really enjoyed designing our pantomime Dame.
This term, we are learning the Song- Three Little Birds by Bob Marley. In this lesson, we were finding the pulse to the song. We took turns being the leader at the front of the class and we created different movements to the pulse of the song.
Literacy Research
In literacy, we have been learning about non-chronological reports. Over the past few weeks, we discussed what they were, what they were used for and how they could be used. The non-chronological report we were gong to write was an information leaflet on Ancient Rome. Before we could write our leaflet, we needed to conduct research and find out as much as possible about Ancient Rome. We used the Ipads and our history books to help us complete our research.
Internet Safety Day
Today we have been learning about making the correct choices when on social media and the internet. We went on to answer questions from Alfie who was unsure how to be online. We told him the right decision to make and why. We then created our own support circles which helped us know who we can speak to if we feel we need help or support when online. Once we had done this, we then looked at creating our own Safer Internet posters to warn of the dangers and also to highlight the importance of making the right choices. We were lucky enough to have a visit from the police, who spoke about the dangers online and they gave us some top tips on how we could keep ourselves as safe as possible.
Science - How Do Our Muscles Help Us Move?
In science, we have been learning about our muscles and how they help us to move. During this lesson, we made it as practical as possible. We had one leader at the front of the class and they began to move. The rest of us had to copy the action and also point to the muscles we thought were being used. We then spoke about why those muscles were being used and how they helped us perform the action.
British Science Week Investigation
Year 3 kicked off British Science Week in style with an investigation into Skittles and M&Ms. We had to decide what we wanted to find out, how we would keep it a fair test, make predictions and observations and draw conclusions. Some of us tested water temperature, some looked to see if the colour would combine to make new colours and some compared how quickly the colours ran. It was fascinating to watch.
Class Assembly
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed entertaining KS2 and they families with the information and knowledge they have learned so far this year. You all did extremely well and I am so proud of you.
Tennis Coaching
This half term we have been very lucky because we have had some expert coaching with tennis. Our coach was an LTA qualified coach who came from the Puma Tennis Centre. We have been learning how to control the ball using our racket and taking part in some fun control games. We are looking forward to building our skills.
Operation Encompass - Northumbria Police
Year 3 had a visit from Northumbria Police and She came to speak to us about friendships and relationships. We learned about what makes us feel sad and happy. We also learned a lot about the importance of balance in a friendship/relationship and how decisions should be fair and made together, not by one individual.
What a day! World Book Day 2020 saw some amazing costumes in Year 3. We began our day off by completing a 'shelfie' hunt in the hall and we had to try and figure out which members of staff had read certain books. After this, Mr Whitfield tasked Year 3 with creating a new exciting reading area. We looked at different ones and used some ideas to create a warm and welcoming reading area that could be used by all. We also has a lot of 'potato character' entries into our competition. Well done to Jaycee and Ethan and enjoy your prizes!
Science - Plants
Our topic this half term in science has been plants. In this lesson, we were looking at how a plant transports water and nutrients through the stem. To show this, we used celery which acted as the stem and placed them into cups which had food colouring in them. We then waited to see what happened. The food colouring was absorbed by the celery and began to rise up through the celery stick. This showed the children how a plant's stem would transport the water to other parts of the plant.