Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 2 Autumn 2019-20

New Beginnings

Year 2 have settled straight into their new classroom and routines! During their first week, they enjoyed sharing their holiday homework with their peers about our history topic this half term, as well as reminding themselves of our school rules and creating a class charter. We also managed to fit in some team building where we had to practise listening and communicating with each other to build a Lego model.

Exploring Wheels and Axles

Before making fire engines as part of our Design Technology project, Year 2 experimented with different materials to make a chassis with wheels and axles. They decided which materials were the best for their final design based on how sturdy the chassis was and how free-moving the wheels were.

Interpretive Dance

This half term in PE, Year 2 have been doing some interpretive dances based around the Great Fire of London. The children have listened to a range of music clips which they have created their own movements to in order to retell the event.



Autumn Disco

Year 2 had lots of fun with their friends at the school disco! They all looked fantastic in their party clothes and enjoyed taking part in the different dancing competitions.



Waterproof Investigation

This term in science Year 2 have been looking at the properties of materials and how materials can be used for different uses. After looking at the Great Fire of London we decided to investigate the best material for a bucket as this was one of the main objects used to put out the fire. The children considered what qualities a bucket needed and then planned an investigation to test which materials were waterproof.

KS1 Christmas Party

Year 1 and 2 had a fantastic afternoon celebrating their Christmas party! There was plenty of dancing and fun games. The children also worked well together to complete some team challenges and quizzes! It was an afternoon enjoyed by all!

Peace At Last

We have been using the book Peace At Last by Jill Murphy as a basis for our first literacy unit. The children have thoroughly enjoyed the book and in the pictures above, they can be seen acting out freeze frames from the story.



Investigating Materials

As Year 2 continue to learn about the properties of different materials, we spent a lesson investigating whether certain materials would bend, squash, twist or stretch. 

Making Fire Engines

Year 2 have been looking at ways to create their own fire engines. They have done lots of research and investigating in order to find out what the best materials are to make the best fire engine. The children worked in small groups to design and make their fire engine. This week we used our designs to build our fire engines. The children had to make sure we followed our design criteria to make them successful. They all worked really well and created some amazing fire engines!

Seasonal Walk

To begin our Geography unit 'Weather Patterns', Year 2 explored the local environment making observations about the weather and the seasons. The children questioned how weather changed from season to season and discussed how plants and animals adapt to the different climates throughout the year.

Hey Ewe!

Key Stage One put on a fantastic performance of 'Hey Ewe' which told the story of the Christmas nativity through the eyes of a curious and excitable sheep. The children performed confidently and enthusiastically wowing every audience who came to see it! Well done everyone, we're extremely proud of you all!

Material Hunt

As we begin our science unit on materials, we spent some time recapping previous knowledge from Year 1. The children explored the Key Stage One areas looking for different materials and discussing their properties. They considered why certain materials had been used for different objects and made links with the properties of the materials.


Strength Chains

Year 2 enjoyed considering and discussing their unique strengths during our PSHCE lessons. To visualise their strengths as a class we worked in groups to create chains with our strengths written on them.



Exploring Shade

As part of our art unit 'Colour Creations', the children have been learning how different colours can be made by mixing paints. In the photos above, the children were adding white and black to make different shades of the same colour.


Anti-Bullying Week

During Anti-Bullying Week Year 2 discussed the theme 'change starts with us' and how by making a small change individually, we can make a big difference overall. The children were able to give advice to bullying scenarios, create a friendship web and consider what makes a 'good friend' whilst making one from different objects and materials. 

Washington Library

Year 2 had a fantastic visit to their local library where they learnt about the services the library provides. They took part in some craft activities and spent some time in the specially designed children's area where they got stuck into a good book!