Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 3 Autumn Term 2018-19


Welcome to Year 3's Autumn Term. Here you will find all the wonderful work we do. We hope you have as much fun reading about our work, as we do, completing it!!!

Team Building

The first week in year 3 the class spent time working on team building skills. We all had lots of fun and it was great to get to know the class. 

Learning About Play Scripts 

We have spent time learning about play scripts. To help us understand play scripts fully, we got into groups and performed a scene of a well known tale to the rest of the class. We all thoroughly enjoyed performing to the class.  

Monkeying Around...

What a way to end our first half term in year 3! We won the attendance of the week competition ... AGAIN! That meant we were awarded an extra playtime and we enjoyed it so much. Well done to all of year 3 for showing great attendance, not only this week but for this half term! Keep it up :)


We had a visit from the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) who came to talk to us about staying safe in and around water. They taught us lots of important facts including: what the different colours of the flags mean and how this impacts our choices in the water, what the lifeguards do and what they wear so they can be easily spotted, what you should do if you ever find yourself in a difficult situation in water, and how to float correctly and call for help if you fall into cold water. We learnt lots of important, life-saving skills and were given leaflets to take away to remind us of what we were taught.

Giving Instructions

We have moved onto our new topic in Literacy which is to write an explanation text. Before we start to write our explanation text, we have been learning all about the features and what we could include in our writing. In this lesson, we used verbal communication to give instructions to our partner. We had to direct them through the obstacles until they reached the safe zone. We were using imperative verbs and casual connectives to to support our explanations.

What I Want To Be When I Am Older...

Year 3 discussed what they would like to be when they were older. We had lots of different ideas ranging from Police officer to Pop Star! We discussed how we will need to work hard to ensure we clinched our dream job. I am sure you can do it year 3!


We have also spent time in the computer room this half term. We have started to learn about coding and what different functions mean and what they do. Different functions help us to create a code which can move objects, add sound and change the duration of time we can see an object. 

Stone Age Day

Our first week back after half term started with us travelling back nearly 5500 years ago. We began learning about how people in the Stone Age would make a fire, why they would make it and how hard it actually was to build a fire. We all thought it would have been easy, but we found it it took a lot of effort to get a fire going, until we discovered flint. Once we got a fire going, we made bread and cooked it over the fire. As the day progressed we ate the bread we made and for dessert we had 'delicious' edible bugs! We were all very brave and tasted the bugs. They didn't have much taste, though! Later in the day, we started to learn about Stone Age tools and what were used to make the tools. We also discussed how people in the Stone Age would keep warm as they didn't have any central heating! We finished up by dressing up in some Stone Age clothing which STUNK! 

Light and Shadow

Year 3 have been looking at different light sources and how they can create shadows. We experimented with different light sources to see if we could change the shape/size of the shadows we created.  

Bah Humbug

What a fantastic production year 4 and 3 put on! All of the children worked so hard learning their words and songs. We are very proud of how well they done. The children performed twice to proud family and friends. Well done, you taught us all the meaning of Christmas.


We have been using practical resources to help support our learning in maths. We were able to use the base ten to help us understand place value of different numbers. 

Writing An Acrostic Poem

During Big Write, year 3 started to prepare for Remembrance Day. We learnt what an Acrostic poem was and how to write one. We then wrote our own poems and linked them to Remembrance Day. We had some lovely class discussions and created some very meaningful, powerful and thought provoking poems.

Competition Time

This week year 3 took part in some extra P.E with Mr Anderson. We were in our house teams, and we had to compete against each other. The team with the most points will be crowned house champions. We all enjoyed taking part in the competition because we had the opportunity to learn a new game. 

Anti Bullying Week

This week, we have spent time discussing what we thought bullying was and what we would do to try and prevent it from happening.

We started the week looking at definitions of bullying and also respect, as this was our main focus for the week. Once we had discussed this we then wrote a statement about our partners and how they have been respectful this year. 

We also created a 'respect' sock and explained why our socks represented respect. Some of us coloured them in different colours to show how everyone is difference but we can still get along.

We finished the week by creating our own 'pledges'. We all created a pledge and explained how we would honour it to try and eradicate bullying. 

Party Time

Year 3 and 4 had a fantastic party on Tuesday afternoon. They took part in lots of dancing, musical statues, traditional corners and a couple of games of icebergs. All that dancing was washing down with a nice drink and snack. All the children and staff enjoyed the Christmas party and are ready for more festivities.