Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 3 Spring Term 2017-18

Coming soon...


Year 3, have been working on division in maths this week. We have been using practical resources to help support our understanding of division and discussing the maths vocabulary linked to multiplication and division. We have explored how we could use resources such as base ten and coloured counters to represent division in different ways.


Our science topic this term is 'Rocks and Soils' and we have planned and carried out an investigation to find which rocks are most and least hard-wearing. As a class, we discussed the aim of the investigation then in small groups we planned our investigation and considered how we would make it a fair test. Carrying out the investigation was the most fun! After carrying out the investigation, we compared the amount of rock dust from each rock and wrote a very impressive conclusion about what we found out!


Year 3, have really enjoyed developing their tennis skills and have even learnt some new ones. Some of us will be taking part in a tennis festival soon, where we will get the chance to show what we have learnt and compete against some other schools. Our coach and teachers were really impressed with our skills and said we worked great as a team. We have had such a great time and can't wait to take part in the tournament.

Professor Nitrate

We had nutty Professor Nitrate visit our school for science week. We took part in a variety of science based activities and were very entertained by the scientist. We all thoroughly enjoyed learning about different areas of science and the professor was very impressed with our knowledge.


Our new topic is 'Stone Age to The Iron Age'. In topic, we have been learning about timelines. Using some event cards based in prehistory, we created our own timelines in the classroom. We discussed the dates and meanings of BC and AD and used our understanding to order the events in chronological order. We found out some fascinating facts and discovered some strange events which took place between the Stone Age and the Iron Age. We are really looking forward to exploring our new topic further.

 Number Aliens

We carried out a maths investigation to create number aliens. We were given a set of coloured cubes and each cube represented a different amount. We built our aliens with the cubes and calculated the amounts of each different colour. Our aim was to build an alien which totalled a certain number. We used our problem solving skills to exchange amounts  and used addition and subtraction calculations. We also realised that we could use our understanding of grid method to multiple the numbers.

Museum of Archaeology

We had a wonderful time at the Museum of Archaeology. We took part in so many fascinating activities, where we explored life in the past. We used real artefacts to determine what life was like in prehistory and went on an archaeology hunt around the museum. We brought the Iron Age back to life with our Iron Age coin art, which was great fun. We even became archaeologists in a  skeleton science study, where we used clues we had found to tell us about people who lived in the past. It was such an exciting day, full of great experiences and our tour guide was so impressed with how much we have learnt in our topic this term.

Easter Egg Competition

Wow! We had some fantastic competition entries into our Tall Ships themed Easter Egg competition this year. Well done to all of the children that participated. Canon Hopper went round the classes with the School Council and judged the entries. 

3rd Sadie Castling

2nd Olivia Healey

1st Lyta Carr

Well Done Year 3


'Stone Age Boy'

In literacy, we have been working on diaries. We have been reading the story 'Stone Age Boy' and plan to turn the exciting events, which take place, into a diary entry. To better help us understand the chronological order of the story and the characters feelings we have created a drama performance and performed it to the rest of the class. We discussed the main characters feelings at each point in the story so that we can incorporate this into our writing. We really enjoyed preforming and all had great fun!

Spring Chicks

We went to visit our extremely cute Spring Chicks, that recently hatched in school. We all had the chance to hold and stroke the chicks and talked about how much they have grown and changed in the few weeks they have been with us. We think EYFS have done a fantastic job of looking after our cute friends.

Fun with Science

For British Science Week, we had some great fun with lots of exciting science experiments. We learnt about chemical reactions, when making lemon volcanoes with Miss Clennell, took a trip to the moon and looked at the impact of force with Miss Dodds, and created rain clouds and skittle rainbows with Miss Stockport. We all had such a fascinating morning, filled with amazing scientific information. We had a great time with our teachers and have learnt some amazing fun facts about science. We can't wait for our next experiment in year 3.

World Book Day

In Year 3, we have been celebrating World Book Day. We all changed into our pyjamas and shared some of our favourite stories with the children in Year 6. Then Miss Hutchinson came to joined us in year 3 and read the story "Hansel and Gretel!" by Anthony Browne. We all enjoyed hearing an alternative version of this traditional tale. We also enjoyed a snack and a drink. Next, we took part in some fun literacy activities based on the story. We have enjoyed our World Book Day celebration.